Journey to Nicaea:  The Evolution of Christianity from Gospel to Creed

Summer Series with Mark Etling, PhD

Saturday, September 2, 2023

10 am – noon 

Shrine Visitors Center

Cost: $10 a session

The first four centuries of the Christian era saw an incredible evolution – from a tiny movement in Israel to a vast, thriving institution in much of the Roman Empire.  In its earliest days the Christian movement was a disorganized network of communities with no Bible, no central authority and no unified system of beliefs.  But by the year 400 the Church had adopted a universal statement of faith – the Nicene Creed.  In this three-part series we will explore Christianity’s historical and theological journey from Jerusalem to Nicaea.  

Mark Etling is an adjunct associate professor at the School for Professional Studies at Saint Louis University. 
In addition, he gives Bible study presentations at his home parish, St. Vincent De Paul Parish in St. Louis.

For more information: please call 618-394-6281