Every human being carries the deep wound of original sin. It is not, as some believe, that human nature is essentially corrupt. We are, however, weakened and prone to sin.
Everything in life, good or bad, is part of our journey. It is easy to accept the good and beautiful things we encounter and to feel blessed. It is hard to accept the difficulties and the pain that come into our lives, to accept ourselves as broken. But that is what we are: blessed and broken.
Despite our best efforts, difficulties, pain, even sin come into our lives and we have to face our brokenness. Unless it is placed under our blessing, that brokenness can only be frightening and disheartening. To place our brokenness under our blessing is certainly not easy. But scripture tells us it is through suffering that we enter into glory.
Because we are conscious of our brokenness it may well seem incredible that Jesus would call us personally, not just to follow him, but to share in his mission. Yet that is what he has done. We hesitate to apply to ourselves a title we associate with people like Peter, James, John, and Paul. We are keenly aware of our inadequacy. We feel we are not equipped to meet the challenge of discipleship.
Remember, in calling his first disciples, Jesus took what was at hand. He did not require his collaborators to be highly intelligent or well-connected. He sought only that renunciation of self and singleness of purpose without which nothing great can be accomplished. Jesus hasn’t really changed his style. He calls us as we are. We do not make ourselves worthy to be called.
Sometimes, for quite understandable reasons, we put a lot of distance between ourselves and some of the things the gospels tell us. One of those things is how much the first disciples, the first people Jesus called, were like us. We distance ourselves from that truth because it is both frightening and consoling. It is consoling because it shows that Jesus calls ordinary human beings like us to be his disciples. It is frightening because we also see how great a challenge is involved.
That phrase “wounded disciples” represents a paradox. Focusing only on the disciples part, we may forget God doesn’t call us because of our skill or because we are good or somehow worthy of the call. Focusing too strongly on the wounded part, we may become completely discouraged because of our limitations. Faith does not take away the wounds. It transforms them.”