Calling God our father is not sexist.  It does not exclude from our understanding of God qualities we think of as feminine such as gentleness and motherly concern.  When we say “Our Father” we are reminded of our relationship with our fellow human beings.  The fatherhood of God is the  basis of the brotherhood of man.

The opening words of the Lord’s Prayer clearly show our proper attitude is one of waiting, trusting, hoping which children ought to feel, looking toward God as father.

We recite the Lord’s Prayer so frequently there is a danger of it becoming routine and thus losing some of its meaning and power.  Some years ago a commercial (I believe it was for Corn Fakes) urged the listener to “taste them again for the first time.”  It might be helpful to apply a slight paraphrase of that to the Lord’s Prayer.  Say it again for the first time!  Say it slowly savoring each phrase.

The following phrase shows our desire to be incorporated into God’s kingdom Of course, God’s will cannot not be done.  We are expressing our willingness to join our will to God’s will.

In asking to be given our dally bread we are acknowledging our ongoing need to be sustained both physically and spiritually,  recognizing our constant dependence on God’s loving care.

“Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.”
Intimately linked to our own forgiveness is our forgiveness of others.  As George Herbert put it: “The person who cannot forgive breaks the bridge  over which he himself must pass.”

The phrase “Lead us not into temptation” is misleading.  As James insists: “Let no one say when he is tempted, ‘I am tempted by God’; For God cannot be tempted with evil and he himself tempts no one; but each person is tempted when he is lured and enticed by his own desire.” (James: 13-14)
To be human is to face temptation daily.  A better understanding then is: Grant me strength to resist temptation.”

We may find some difficulty with the final petition “Deliver us from evil.”  We cannot escape evil in the form of pain or suffering of some kind entering our lives.  Better to understand “deliver” as give us the strength to bear this evil rather than a request to escape evil entirely.

Frequent routine repetition of this prayer can rob it of its power.  A remedy: Try saying it as though for the first time.