Novena Prayers for Vocation A community of brothers and priests serving the poor in 70 countries.

We, as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, have heard the call to mission by Jesus Christ.
Have YOU? Join us in waking up the world!

Prayer for Missionary Oblate Vocations

Lord Jesus, who gave your life for us,
in infinite love, without “ifs” and “buts,”
touch the hearts of many young people,
in the same way that you touched the heart of Peter, Andrew, James, John,
of Mary Magdalene,
of Eugene de Mazenod, of Joseph Gerard, of Joseph Cebula,
of the young Oblate martyrs of Spain, of the young Oblate martyrs of Laos.
Through the sorrow, the loneliness, the sufferings
and the deaths of many people in our world today,
show to young people the only thing that is important and lasting:
not fame, nor material goods, nor success,
but giving of themselves to serve others.
May they hear the call to risk their lives without fear for the welfare of others
as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.
Allow them to discover that it is in giving that they receive,
and that their deepest joy is to respond unconditionally in love as you did for us.
You who rose from the dead for our salvation
and live with the Father and the Holy Spirit
now and forever. Amen.

Mary Immaculate, model and guardian of our consecrated life, pray for us.
St. Eugene de Mazenod, pray for us.

Oración por las Vocaciones Misioneras Oblatas

Señor Jesús, que has dado la vida por nosotros,
en un amor infinito, sin condiciones,
toca el corazón de tantos jóvenes,
cómo tocaste el corazón de Pedro, Andrés, Santiago, Juan,
de María Magdalena,
de Eugenio de Mazenod, José Gerard, José Cebula,
de los jóvenes mártires Oblatos de España,
de los jóvenes Oblatos mártires de Laos.

A través del dolor, la soledad, el sufrimiento, las muertes de estos días,
muéstrales que lo único que vale y lo que queda:
no es la fama, los bienes materiales, el éxito,
sino los que se dan a sí mismos para servir a los demás.
que se sientan llamados a arriesgar sus vidas,
sin temor a gastarlo por Dios y por los demás.

Hazle descubrir que la vida es un regalo que se recibe al darse a sí mismo,
y que la mayor alegría es decirle sí al amor, sin peros,
es decirle sí al amor, sin condiciones, como lo hiciste por nosotros.
Tú que has resucitado para nuestra salvación y vives con el Padre y el Espíritu Santo
hoy y por los siglos de los siglos. Amén.

María Inmaculada, modelo y guardiana de nuestra vida consagrada, ruega por nosotros.
San Eugenio de Mazenod, ruega por nosotros.

If you have questions about the Missionary Oblates, or are discerning a vocation as an Oblate priest or brother, please call
Fr. Victor Patricio-Silva, OMI

Fr. Victor Patricio-Silva, OMIBelleville, IL Office: 618-394-6454
442 S DeMazenod Dr
Belleville, IL 62223

San Antonio TX Office: 210-349-1475
327 Oblate Drive
San Antonio, TX 78216

email at

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