Sundays, April 7, 14 and 21, 2024
Mark Etling
SLU theology professor

Maxine Pohlman, SSND
Director of La Vista Ecological Learning Center

Galen Gritts
Member of the Cherokee Nation

The Earth – Our Common Home

Ecospirituality refers to the connection between the science of ecology with spirituality. It recognizes the spiritual interconnectedness of human beings with our environment and all God’s creation. It is a way of living that reveals a deep respect for our fragile planet Earth and makes us willing, caring guardians of it. All created things are holy and sacred. Our disregard of this fact has led to our current ecological crisis. Through his encyclical Laudato Si’, Pope Francis has attempted to reignite a reverent awareness of our common home and calls us to a shared responsibility to protect it.

Hopefully, this series will resurrect our sense of wonder and awe of creation, expand our vision of our connectedness to the natural world and give us new perspectives on how we can develop a more compassionate stewardship of our planet.