The Way of the Cross


Human beings are not born to die they die to be resurrected.  It’s important to remember that the passion and death of Jesus without his resurrection would be meaningless.  It is the risen, glorified, and exalted Jesus who gives meaning to our life of exile and suffering today.  The risen Lord who is now at the right hand of the Father ends our alienation from God and promises us a life of genuine happiness in a perfect union with God Our Father.  Jesus is alive today with us personally and individually, assisting us, encouraging and strengthening us for every task in life.  He calls us to be resurrection Christians, radiating the joy that should be ours.  Too long have we been merely crucifixion Christians.  Surely there can be no crown without a cross but the crown of joy and peace comes from the knowledge that we are honestly striving in our own human way to respond to his love that is infinite.

In Jesus’ pilgrimage to the Father, he shows us how to cope with our crosses.  It would be a disservice to overplay the gruesome physical historical aspects of the passion of Jesus.  What is far more important to stress is that the sufferings of Jesus are the source of his resurrected glory.  The Resurrection is the complete and total fulfillment of the human being, body, and soul within the reality of God’s Kingdom.  It’s the most significant fact in world history.  It proves that life and not death has the last word.

Via Crucis

The Way of the Cross
Station One

The Way of the Cross
Station Two

The Way of the Cross
Station Three

The Way of the Cross
Station Four

The Way of the Cross
Station Five

The Way of the Cross
Station Six

The Way of the Cross
Station Seven

The Way of the Cross
Station Eight

The Way of the Cross
Station Nine

The Way of the Cross
Station Ten

The Way of the Cross
Station Eleven

The Way of the Cross
Station Twelve

The Way of the Cross
Station Thirteen

The Way of the Cross
Station Fourteen